Saturday, November 25, 2023

During The Holidays, Spend Time Not Money

Spend time and not money with those that you value. Don’t go into debt buying things this holiday season. According to credit monitor Experian, the average American adult held $6,365 in credit card debt and the average auto loan debt per consumer was $23,479. Instead of accumulating more debt, try some of these outdoor activities that will, instead of creating more debt, hopefully create long lasting memories.

  • Hiking Adventures: Explore local trails and nature reserves – a refreshing hike costs nothing but promises stunning views and a connection with the great outdoors. Find hiking trails using the AllTrails app.
  • Picnic in the Park: Pack a homemade lunch, gather your friends or family, and head to a nearby park for a delightful picnic. It's a simple yet enjoyable way to spend quality time together.
  • Geocaching Quests: Join the global treasure hunt! Geocaching involves using GPS coordinates to find hidden containers. It's an adventurous and free activity that adds an element of mystery to your outdoor experience. 
  • Stargazing Evenings: Lay out a blanket, gaze at the night sky, and identify constellations. Stargazing is a serene and cost-free activity that encourages appreciation for the vastness of the universe. Download an app like Planets to help you identify constellations.
  • Photography Excursions: Grab your camera or smartphone and set out on a photography adventure. Capture the beauty of your surroundings, whether it's a scenic sunset, wildlife, or architectural details.
  • Botanical Garden Visits: Many botanical gardens offer free admission on certain days. Explore the diverse flora, learn about plant species, and enjoy a peaceful day surrounded by nature's wonders.
  • Spruce up the yard: Rake up leaves, plant a garden or decorate your house. Don’t think of these common house chores as work, think of them as opportunities to spend time together to accomplish a common goal.
  • Community Volunteering: Contribute to your community by participating in outdoor volunteer activities. This not only benefits others but also provides a sense of fulfillment without any financial burden. Find opportunities with VolunteerMatch.
  • Park Cleanups: Spend a day at a local park making a positive impact. Organize or join a park cleanup initiative to contribute to beautifying your neighborhood while enjoying the soothing sounds of fall.
  • Nature Journaling: Engage your creative side by starting a nature journal. Document your outdoor experiences, sketches, and thoughts. It's a meaningful and introspective way to connect with the environment. Here are some useful tips.

Spend time and not money with those that you value during the holiday season. Enjoying these experiences together fosters a sense of togetherness without creating a financial strainThese budget-friendly activities not only provide a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the season but also promote a deeper connection and might just create long lasting memories with the people that you love.

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